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At Wellness by Design, we offer peptide therapy, a revolutionary treatment that can help improve your overall health and wellness. Peptides are short chains of amino acids that act as messengers within the body, signaling cells to perform certain functions.


Peptide therapy can help regulate and optimize various bodily functions, including metabolism, immune function, and hormone production. Our team of experts can help you determine which peptides are right for you and create a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results.


Whether you're looking to improve your athletic performance, boost your immune system, or address specific health concerns, peptide therapy can help you reach your goals.


Contact us today to learn more about peptide therapy and start your journey toward optimal health and wellness.


Frequently Asked Questions

Peptide Therapy Options



(Nicotinomide-N-methyltransferase: NNMT)-is a cytosolic enzyme slows down the process at which our bodies metabolize fat cells.  When you start having a hard time losing weight, this enzyme is often the culprit.  Increased weight gain leads to increasing levels of NNMT, thus creating a vicious cycle.  5-amino-1MQ inhibits NNMT, thus will increase fat metabolism once again, leading to:


  • Reduce the formation of fat cells and size

  • Reverse Diet-induced obesity

  • Increased Fat Metabolism

  • Decrease cholesterol levels


Copper Tripeptide

This peptide increases cellular stem cell activation, which declines as we age.  By increasing stem cell activation, we are able to increase angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation); nerve growth; collagen and glycosaminoglycans (skin/hair/nails).  As a result, one can expect:


  • Improved wound healing

  • Increased angiogenesis/nerve outgrowth

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

  • Activates DNA repair

  • Tissue Repair by TGF Superfamily


This is a great option for those seeking improvement in hair loss, facial skin health, and gastrointestinal health and bone health


Pentaceda Arginate

​Composed of 15 amino acids, Pentaceda Arginate is a peptide compound that has been demonstrated to accelerate the healing of many difficult wounds, damaged tendons and ligaments.  This also has protective qualities for stomach ulcers. 


Consider Pentaceda Arginate for the following issues:

  1. Tendons-tendon healing, decreased pain, increased collagen synthesis, quicker recovery

  2. Ligaments-wound and bone healing, decreased inflammation, protects stomach lining

  3. Muscles-Reverse opioid tolerance, Enhance GABA neurotransmission



This is a synthetic fraction of the 43 amino acid protein thymosin beta-4.  The main purpose of the peptide is to promote healing.  Benefits include:

  • Increased cell healing

  • Soft tissue repair (tendon, muscle, sports and athletic injuries)

  • Reduces scar tissue

  • Significant repair and regenerative properties

  • Enlarged muscle growth, muscle tone, and muscular stamina



As we age, we produce less and less growth hormone (GH). Sermorelin is a growth hormone sectretagogue that mimics our naturally occurring growth hormone releasing hormone (GNRH).  GHRH gives our pituitary gland the signal to release growth hormone.  Thus, Sermorelin will naturally signal your pituitary gland to secrete more growth hormone without pushing it beyond physiologic norms.  Benefits of this supplementation include:


  • Improvements in wellbeing and libido.

  • Improved sleep

  • Stronger hair and nails

  • Increased fat loss while improving lean muscle mass

  • Increased endurance and strength



Tesofensine is a dopamine, serotonin, and moradrenaline reuptake inhibitor.  It was originally developed to treat neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.  Although it wasn’t effective in treating these disorders, it did prove to promote significant weight loss.  Tesofensine acts primarily as an appetite suppressant with simultaneous effects on fat oxidation and resting energy expenditure.  Thus, expected results with Tesofensine include:


  • Significant reduced appetite

  • Decreased meal size

  • Decreased desire for sweet, salty or fatty foods


Tetradecyl Thioacetic Acid/Amlexanox (TTA)

TTA is known as a PPAR-alpha activator.  It is an omega-3 fatty acid.  This can be seen as protecting the body from excess fats.  PPAR tends to clear fats from the blood into muscle and/or liver cells and encourage them to be burnt for energy in these locations.  Clearing the blood from fat causes a drop in LDL cholesterol.  TTA can also decease blood pressure and has antioxidant properties.  TTA has been shown to decrease body weight and improve insulin resistance. Amlexanox inhibits IKKe and TBK1, which are pro-inflammatory agents.  This blocking these agents produces anti-inflammatory properties.  Obesity causes increase diffuse inflammation in our bodies, which causes further obesity. Thus, the two together will help in the following manner:


  • Weight loss

  • Decreased LDL Cholesterol

  • Improve insulin resistance

  • Increase fatty acid transport and oxidation

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Reduce Hemoglobin A1C

  • Cardioprotective



​NAD+ is one of the most important molecules in the body.  It is required in more than 500 enzymatic reactions and plays a key role in the regulation of almost all major biological processes.  Interpretation:  Leads to a healthier and longer life.

A decline in NAD+ during aging is believed to be a major cause of disease and disability such as:  hearing and vision loss, cognitive dysfunction, immune deficiencies, auto-immunity, increased inflammation, arthritis, metabolic dysfunction, and cardiovascular disease. Thus, NAD boosters will improve essentially, all aspects of your overall health and wellbeing.



  • Improved liver and kidney function

  • Skeletal muscle function/repair

  • DNA repair

  • Cardiac function and endothelial/vascular function

  • Improved immunity and inflammation

  • Cognitive function improvement

  • Neuronal function

  • Anti-aging and longevity

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is peptide therapy? Peptide therapy involves the use of peptides, which are small proteins, to help regulate various physiological processes in the body. Peptides can be used to address a range of health concerns, from weight loss to immune system support.

  2. What conditions can be treated with peptide therapy? Peptide therapy can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, and more.

  3. How are peptides administered? Peptides can be administered via injections, creams, or nasal sprays. The method of administration will depend on the specific peptide being used and the condition being treated.

  4. Are there any side effects of peptide therapy? Peptide therapy is generally safe and well-tolerated, with few side effects. However, some patients may experience mild side effects such as itching, redness, or swelling at the injection site.

  5. How long does it take to see results from peptide therapy? The timeline for seeing results from peptide therapy will depend on the condition being treated and the specific peptide being used. Some patients may see results within a few weeks, while others may take several months to see improvement.

  6. Is peptide therapy covered by insurance? Peptide therapy is considered an elective or alternative treatment and is not typically covered by insurance. However, some patients may be able to use their health savings accounts (HSAs) or flexible spending accounts (FSAs) to cover the cost of treatment.

  7. Do I need a prescription for peptide therapy? Yes, peptide therapy requires a prescription from a qualified healthcare provider who is trained in administering and monitoring peptide therapy.



Hormone Replacement Therapy is another great way to start feeling like your old self! Learn more here

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